Marijuana Seed Guide for Amateur Planters

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Ever since cannabis became legal in many parts of the world, people have given up the practice of ‘growing your own weed.’ Why bother when you can get all types of marijuana products from the dispensary, right? Wrong! Multiple trips to marijuana dispensaries can take a toll on your budget. On the other hand, cultivating marijuana plants is a cost-effective and fulfilling process. Yes, growing your own marijuana plant can be stressful. But, amateurs should start off with strong strains that are inherently resistant towards diseases, mold, mildew, etc. By choosing a high-resistance strain, planters wouldn’t have to focus too much on disease or mold-prevention. Instead, they can do basic things like tilling the soil, providing adequate light to the plants, etc.

Buy the Right Seeds from the Right Source

To ensure the seed-buying process is perfect, users must first team up with reputable seed banks. Top sellers like keep a wide range of seeds. For instance, buying feminized seeds is the best option for amateur growers as it almost guarantees that the yield will not consist of any male plants. Male plants are not consumable, so there’s no point in cultivating them. Similarly, users can pick out high-yield seeds from top seed banks. Beginners must opt for auto-flowering strains as their growth cycles last only six to eight weeks. Amateur marijuana planters are impatient, and picking auto-flowering seeds makes the growing process easier.

Best Seeds

Some marijuana seeds possess all the qualities mentioned above. The Sativa-dominant hybrid seed called Cinex, for instance, is ideal for amateur planters. These seeds produce high yields in relatively short periods. Plus, it contains healthy amounts of THC. This marijuana strain is also mold-resistant and contains sturdy genetics. With a flowering period of just seven to nine weeks (maximum), it’s the best strain for amateur marijuana planters. Other similarly good options include northern lights Indica seeds and the blue dream hybrid seed.


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