How Long does Alcohol Stay in Your Body?

There are people who prefer to take alcohol over solid food. Not all the people are mare alcoholics, but some are there who love alcohol. They drink it for taste and they are passionate about it.

Alcohol in a limited amount is not harmful to the body but some doctors have advised that some amount of alcohol is required in the body to keep the body organs out of the reach of the viruses and bacteria. But too much alcohol is very dangerous for health.

It not only causes physical disorders like cirrhosis of the liver or gastrointestinal ulcers, but it also causes a mental and financial imbalance in life. This is why alcohol should be taken in a controlled way. Here in this article, you will come to know about how long does alcohol stay in your body.

Duration of Alcohol to Stay in the Body

Now the main question here is how long does alcohol stay in your body? Biologically alcohol gets broken down during the digestion process by the liver. Now, these broken-down parts are distributed in the body organs as per their destinations. In your blood alcohol stays for nearly 6 hours and thus you may face a hangover if you don’t sleep well at night. Blood serves the traces of alcohol to the body cells and thus it generates energy. Since alcohol gets very easily oxidized, you can get instant energy for your work. This is why doctors prescribe some mild alcoholic drinks for patients who are suffering from low blood pressure.

Your Breath Tells about Your Drink

If you think that you will drink while you are out of the eyes of your parents and they will not come to know about it, then you are not right. In your breath, alcohol may stay for more than 24 hours if you drink that much intensively. Utilizing this, the policemen detect those people who drive cars and bikes after drinking alcohol. If you drink that much more intensively than people in your surroundings will come to know even after 24 hours also.

Alcohol Comes Out Through Urine

When you drink or eat anything, the traces of those materials come out through the urine. The kidney is the filter of the body and thus it filtrates everything that it thinks toxic to throw out of the body. If you have taken alcohol, your kidneys will filter them out of your blood and will throw the traces out of your body through urine. This is why if you drink too much alcohol, then your urine gets some foul smell out of it. Sometimes the color also indicates the amount of drink you have taken.

Your Saliva and Hairs Also Give Witness to that

As this article is about how long does alcohol stay in your body, then it is evident for you to know that your saliva and hairs also capture some amount of alcohol to give witness to your drinks. Saliva keeps the traces for nearly 24 hours and your hair keeps it for the longest tenure, almost 90 days. Since hair is the collection of the waste materials of your body, the wasted traces of alcohol are also thrown out of your body through your hairs.

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