How one should utilize the stories feature of Instagram? 

From 2010, when Instagram was first invented, with new functionality and enhancements arriving it has been evolving. When the platform evolves, so do the user’s preferences and desires.If you wish to remain popular and maintain engagement with your fans, you must change and be innovative. 

Fortunately for you, we’ve compiled a list of some of the platform’s most recent additions in this article and this will help you in your business promotion.  

Utilize the ‘stories’ feature

  • Instagram Stories continue to rule from 2020, with over half a billion people viewing them daily. As a result, it’s unsurprising that Instagram introduces different functionality and functions daily to keep things exciting. If you are interested to conseguir seguidores, make sure you are familiar with these updates.
  • One of the more recent additions is a more robust variant of the Create mode, which previously enabled users to exchange only text-based posts.
  • You can now think about posting nostalgia posts from previous years using the ‘On This Day icon’. After that, you should repost Stories from yourseguidoresInstagram who have recently discussed you in their posts and stories.
  • Whether you’re promoting a new product, a new promotion, or a once-a-year offer, create anticipation with a countdown feature of stories.
  • You can also recreate or post about the anniversary of your first post of your Instagram account. “On This Day” is a simple way to repurpose material you enjoyed the first time around.
  • Make a point by including your fans of Instagram. Repost content created by your friends and fans to demonstrate your gratitude and to spread positive word. All of these will help you ganharseguidores.

How to use music on stories?

  • When you are posting behind the scene posts, you can show real-time glimpses of your headquarters or offices. Enhance the engagement by revealing what music the squad is now listening to.
  • When you are preparing posts for forthcoming holidays or special events on social media, to engage your followers, add music that complements your message, regardless of whether you’re feeling nostalgic.
  • Increase the impact of a picture story by adding a catchy tune.

What type of stories should get repost?

  • Stories that have powerful and catchy captions should be reposted. If you have a longer caption to send, if it’s an announcement or a testimonial, posting in the feed is always the best option.
  • Emphasize beautiful graphics. Instagram has been bursting with incredible visuals recently, owing to the popularity of collage apps. If you’re really proud of the photos you’ve shared, show them some extra love by sharing them on Stories.
  • Have competitions that are impossible to skip and announce them on stories. Running an Instagram contest is also an effective way to increase interaction and expand your following. Share a post outlining the contest and how to participate, then amplify it in your Stories. 

Additionally, you should post a follow-up Story to remind your followers to join as the contest is nearing its conclusion, which will offer it an additional boost.

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