4 Easy Summer DIY Fixes For Your Golden Retriever

Now that summer is here, you might be taking your Golden Retriever out for more walks in the park, or just around your neighbourhood. While summer can be full of fun and good times with your dog, you should still remember some basic care tips that will make your Golden Retriever happier and healthier all season long.

4 Easy Summer DIY Fixes For Your Golden Retriever

Flea And Tick Shampoos- fleas and ticks are a common summertime problem and they can be very tough to kill. Your Golden Retriever pup needs shampoos with stronger chemicals to exterminate those critters. If your dog has sensitive or allergic skin, it is preferable to choose shampoos with natural, organic ingredients. Talk with your vet about the best shampoos to control the flea infestation.

Shampoos For Beautiful Coat- speaking of shampoo, there are many specialised shampoos available designed to help keep your dog’s coat healthy. With natural ingredients like coconut oil or jojoba oil, these products will improve the appearance of your Golden Retriever pups. You may choose shampoos that have nice fragrance, so your dog will look and smell good. There could be slight differences between brands, so you need to choose the most appropriate one.

Leash Training- walking your dog during the summer requires proper leash training. Leash training for your dog will take time, but it’s a worthwhile activity to continue walking with your dog every day. Make sure that you understand the Golden Retriever’s limit and avoid pushing him too hard. It is recommended to use front-clip harness, so it’s easy to manage sudden pulling.

Give The Right Treats- treats are positive reinforcements for appropriate and expected behaviours, but dog owners sometimes choose the wrong treats for their summer training sessions. Treats won’t be effective if they are difficult to consume. Dog prefers soft treats with stronger odour and flavour. Use small treats, so it will take longer for your dog to get full and satisfied. With the right treats, dog owners may leverage hunger for better motivation and results.

Contact NordenLights Golden Retrievers

To learn more about how to care for your pregnant golden retriever, or for information about high performance golden retriever training for your pet, contact NordenLights Golden Retrievers today and speak with an experienced, knowledgeable dog trainer who can answer any questions you might have.

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