Common complications with an underbite


Good dental health is very important especially when it comes to preventing tooth decay. Good dental health is also vital in preventing gum diseases and cavities as well. Many oral health concerns are associated with dental health. The state of your dental health can have a significant impact on your general health. With poor dental health, it can be very difficult to control certain health conditions including diabetes. Many studies have now linked poor dental health with heart conditions. Your dental health includes how your teeth and jaws are aligned. If your jaws are not aligned well, you might experience pain and wear and tear in the case where the teeth are not aligned well. Many people with an underbite have difficulties in speaking and chewing as well. Conditions such as underbites can affect your self-esteem negatively. This is because teeth that are not aligned well is always a turn-off for many. When one has an underbite, there are certain complications to expect. An underbite can cause many complications to both the physical and your mental health as well. Because of that, it is always very important that those suffering from underbite go through treatment. Some of the complications that are caused by an underbite include:


This is the first complication to expect when you have an underbite. This always happens because the jaw that is protruding always puts a lot of stress on your body. Because of that, you are most likely to experience painful conditions such as earaches, headaches, and pain that emanates from the jaw. If this condition is not corrected as early as possible, the patient might experience painful chronic joint conditions.

Teeth that are misaligned

This is also another complication that emanates as a result of an underbite. This happens as a result of the protruding bite putting pressure on the teeth. That way, they will grow as misaligned or crooked. When the teeth grow as misaligned, there will be too much pressure exerted on the body. Because of misaligned teeth, there will be too much wear and tear. Because of that, your enamel will be eroded and your teeth will be weakened. Because of that, an individual is exposed to increased risks of tooth decay. Your teeth can also break easily just because you have an underbite. That is why it is recommended that you get the condition corrected as soon as possible.

Difficult in swallowing, chewing, speaking and breathing

This is the aftermath of an underbite depending on its severity. Depending on how severe the condition is, the protrusion of the jaw can affect one’s ability to chew food and even swallow food properly. When speaking, patients suffering from an underbite can experience slurring or lisping while speaking. Patients might also suffer from conditions that will affect their breathing due to having an underbite. Because of an underbite, patients might snore while sleeping or have sleep apnea.

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