Tough Times: Supporting Your Teen Through COVID

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While many people focus on younger children when it comes to emotional support and protection during the pandemic, teens and young adults need some help, too. Their middle school and college years are facing high levels of disruption right now. Instead of enjoying proms, graduation, and college life, they will likely be stuck at home. This is not what they expected to be doing at this time of their lives. 


Combined with the stress of the pandemic, they are not in the best state of emotional and mental health. As a parent, you should be taking steps to help them deal with it. Here are some things you should be doing to show your support.


Be A Role Model


While teens sometimes think that older people are not cool or something similar, they still look up to you as a parent. This means that they will be basing their behavior on your behavior. If you want them to be calm and careful about their daily life in the pandemic, then you should show how it is done. Behave responsibly when you are going out or act calmly while in the middle of the crisis, and they will copy you.


Becoming a role model for your child can make many things simpler for you. You can teach them proper hygiene and talk to them about how to keep yourself safe from the disease but seeing you do what you preach can show that you are taking everything seriously. 


Understand Their Feeling Of Isolation


Teens would be better able to cope if they knew that the adult in their life understood what they were going through. The teenage years are an incredibly important time for your children’s lives, and this is when they reach out and form connections. Being able to socialize is important for them. Being restricted from meeting up with their friends, teens are feeling the pressure of the land. This stress can be bad for them. 


If you want to help reduce that pressured feeling for your teens, then you should show them that you are on their side. You can do this by helping them in their attempts to connect with their friends. For example, giving them more internet time or phone time every day can be a big help.


Mandate A Healthy Routine


With teens being stuck at home, many of them are just lying around in bed and playing games. While they have the freedom to do so, it is not the healthiest of options. Staying up late can disrupt sleep schedules and eat out of schedule can confuse the body. Additionally, staying in bed all day can contribute to depression and anxiety.


If you want to help your teen out, you should be giving them a healthy routine to follow. Wake them up on a particular time and have them turn in at another time. Get them out of bed by encouraging a daily exercise regimen. If they have remote schooling, then helping arrange it so that they can attend their classes properly can also be a big help. The rhythm of routine can be a big help in calming your teen down and keep them as healthy as possible.


Spend Meaningful Time With Them


While you share your house with your teen, this does not mean you are spending meaningful time with them. You might even be strangers to each other. You should avoid this state of affairs and spend more meaningful time with them. Do some activities together. For example, you can cook a few meals together. Working together to perform a goal can help make them feel they are doing something. It also allows you to talk and discuss various things with them.


This time together can be a nice way for you to evaluate how your teen is doing mentally and emotionally. Many teens are wary about opening up to their parents. However, simple small talk can help you build a rapport with them. Combine it with a more accepting nature, and you can have a good idea of how they are doing. This will allow you to make plans on how you can help them. This can range from teaching them meditation techniques to socializing with them more.


Life goes on for your teen as the pandemic continues. They’ll need to study and also socialize if they want to continue their life. It can be difficult considering all the restrictions, but with your help, they should be able to face the challenges ahead.