Watch Anime – Portal To A New World

Beat the Heat With These 5 English-Dubbed Anime This Summer 2018 | FandomThere is a concept that animation can only be for kids or youngsters. Anime broke this stereotype by making animations that can be extremely fun for adults. Hence if you are someone, who enjoys watching cartoons but want to see some grown-up and mature content, you can watch anime

However, that doesn’t mean that anime is not for kids or it might be inappropriate. There are more than enough anime cartoons made for kids, which they would enjoy a lot. Furthermore, people also watch anime that are made for kids as they are so entertaining. 

The first thing you should know about anime is that they are animations that are produced in Japan. So the characters and the settings are very different from what you are used to seeing in the west. Furthermore, if you watch anime, you would see that they have a distinct and signature style.

Now, you might wonder if it is animation and kids watch it, then why not call it a cartoon? Anime can be seen as a subset of cartoons, but it cannot be identified by it. There is a very thick line between cartoons and anime. The storytelling method of both is very different which you will understand when you watch anime

Why is anime different?

  • The simple and flowery picturization is something we get abundantly in cartoons. The life of the characters is beautiful and magical, and only depicts the good and happy moments of life. Even without the presence of fiction, the storyline seems much more appropriate for kids. 
  • However, that is not the anime case. It doesn’t only portray the happy and flowery parts of human life. Rather, it delves into much deeper matters and makes it enjoyable for adults. The animations from Japan don’t have the taboo that animations should only be for kids. 
  • In the subject matter of animation, anime productions are made with much lower budgets than traditional cartoons. This is why you will see a repetition of scenes or a scene that is on for quite a while and the dialogues are happening in the background. This is something that is never seen in western cartoons. They are very high budgets in nature and have continuous smooth scenes. 
  • The mood of a scene is portrayed very differently in a cartoon and in an anime. You are much more likely to see the setting of a scene, that is like a shot of a sunset or a bird or an insect, or nothing in significance if you watch anime. It might be something that is metaphorically related to the character, or might not but gives you an idea of the surrounding.

The west doesn’t give much attention to this, and they are much more immersed in keeping the characters of their storyline as their only focus. Thus, from this article, you can gauge why animations from Japan are so different and have their very own fan following. This is why should start to watch anime production to introduce yourself, to this unique experience.